Data Privacy Protection Statement TUM Jobportal

Status as of 1 June 2017

(1) Introduction

In accordance with Art. 2 sentence 5 of the Bayerisches Hochschulgesetz (BayHSchG) [Bavarian Higher Education Act] and in cooperation with the business community and employment administration, the Technical University of Munich fosters the acquisition of supplementary training and education to facilitate the transition to professional life for members of the university. Among other things, it offers an online Jobportal designed to assist students, graduates, doctoral candidates, alumni and all TUM members in their job search and facilitate the transition to working life and promote career development.

(2) Operator, Users and Customers

The Terms of Use apply between the operator of the TUM Jobportal of the Technical University of Munich (hereinafter: Operator) and users, who take advantage of the online jobportal to search for job offers or seek information on career events and career services. The Terms of Use also apply between the Operator and the customers.

Hereinafter, companies, organizations or institutions that use and/or book a service of the TUM Jobportal are referred to as customers. Customers can use and/or book various services via the TUM Jobportal. In particular customers may advertise job offers, provide information on events, insert company profiles or subscribe to the newsletter for companies. In addition to the Terms of Use, customers are subject to the data privacy protection statement and general terms and conditions.

(3) Object of Agreement

The TUM Jobportal is an online job portal of the university's Operator under the URL Users may use this service free of charge. Via the online portal, users can search for job offers or seek information on career events and career services. No registration is required for users.

Customers must register, after which they can publish job offers and career events, book services for companies and institutions and subscribe to the newsletter. Customers must pay for individual services.

The Operator offers the platform solely for the publication of job offers and event information. User's applications are submitted directly to advertising customers without including the Operator.

(4) Copyright

The TUM Jobportal contains data and information which are protected by trademark and/or copyright laws. Therefore, it is not permitted to download, reproduce or distribute the TUM Jobportal websites, or any part thereof. It is not permitted to refer to the TUM Jobportal by means of links, hyperlinks or framed links without the Operator's consent. Other TUM institutions and Chairs alone are exempt from this regulation.

(5) Liability and Warranty

(5.1.) The Operator, its legal representatives and vicarious agents bear liability vis-a-vis users for the violation of substantial contractual duties, i.e. contractual commitments that enable proper implementation of Terms of Use in the first place and with whose compliance on the part of the operator users may rely, as well as for intent and any negligence; in cases of minor negligence, however, liability shall be limited to foreseeable damages typical to this type of contract.

(5.2.) Further, the Operator, its legal representatives and vicarious agents shall only be liable for damages caused by intent or gross negligence. In the case of gross negligence, liability is limited to the foreseeable damage typical of the type of contract.

(5.3.) In the case of gross negligence, in accordance with (5.2.), liability of the Operator is excluded for indirect damages and consequential damages.

(5.4.) The aforementioned limitation or exclusion of liability (5.1. - 5.3.) shall not apply in the case of injury to life, body or health, or in the event of claims under product liability law.

(5.5.) The Operator assumes no responsibility for the content of job advertisements, company profiles and information on events which the Operator publishes on behalf of the customer, in particular for their actuality, accuracy, completeness, quality or contents of texts, PDFs, addresses, links or any other information transmitted by the customer. Customers themselves are exclusively responsible for the contents of job advertisements, company profiles and event information.

(5.6.) The Operator does not accept any responsibility when users pass data on to customers.

(5.7.) The Operator will immediately investigate any indications of possible illegal content or infringements of third party rights and, to protect users, temporarily block such content until an investigation is completed. If content proves inadmissible, it will be blocked permanently.

(6) Downloads and Links

Users download at their own risk. The Operator does not assume liability for any damages caused by downloading, installing, using or saving contents from the TUM Jobportal.

The Operator has no control over websites that can be reached by external links provided on the TUM Jobportal site. When users follow links to external websites, they do so at their own risk. The Operator accepts no responsibility or liability for linked websites and their content.

If the Operator becomes aware of illegal content on linked websites, this content will be temporarily blocked until an investigation is completed. If content proves inadmissible, it will be blocked permanently.

Users are reminded that the Terms of Use and data privacy protection statements of linked websites are different to the Terms of Use and data privacy protection statements of the TUM Jobportal, and need to be respected.

(7) Customer Content

Users are reminded that they are responsible for providing personal data to customers and must exercise caution and diligence. Users should verify the identity of the recipient of their personal data. Care should be taken when passing on data to private email addresses. We strongly advise against passing on sensitive data such as identity card numbers, credit card numbers or bank details. Users should also be aware that customers may use personal information for purposes other than those indicated in the job advertisement.

(8) Evaluation of User Behavior (Webtracking)

The TUM Jobportal uses Piwik, an open source software applied for statistical evaluation of visitor access.

For this purpose, Piwik employs cookies. These are text files saved on the user's computer to enable an analysis of the use of the website. Any information generated by the cookie is stored exclusively on the server of the TUM Jobportal. The Operator uses the statistical information to evaluate the usage of the TUM Jobportal, to compile reports about the activities on the websites, for advertising, and as feedback on the response to individual services of the TUM Jobportal. This information is not shared with third parties. The IP address is anonymized immediately after processing and before being saved.

As a user, you can prevent the installation of cookies by a corresponding setting of the browser and also manually delete already stored cookies from the browser any time. Please note that doing so may inhibit the full use all functions. For further information please visit Piwik's privacy policy:

The server of the TUM Jobportal stores the following log data for seven days, after which it is erased:

(9) How to deactivate Piwik Tracking (Opt-Out)

If you do not wish your data to be stored and evaluated by Piwik, you can object to this with just a click of the mouse. In this case, an opt-out cookie is stored on the browser, which means that Piwik cannot collect any session data.

Deactivation of PIWIK:

NOTE: When cookies are deleted, the opt-out cookie is also deleted and must be reactivated at the next log in.

(10) Changes to Terms of Use

Contents and features of the TUM Jobportal are continually developed and improved. Accordingly, the Terms of Use are regularly updated and adapted. The current version can be downloaded from the URL at any time.

(11) Other

(11.1.) Oral agreements are excluded. The invalidity of any individual parts and clauses of the Terms of Use shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms.

(11.2.) The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply exclusively, with the exclusion of UN sales law. Munich shall be the sole place of jurisdiction.

(11.3.) Only the German version of the Terms of Use shall be legally binding.

(12) Contact for further questions

If you have any questions about the Terms of Use, please contact:
Technical University of Munich
TUM Global & Alumni Office
Alumni & Career
80290 Munich